
ESRs presented project posters at our recent showcase of their work. If you would like to get in touch with any of our ESRs please contact



Congratulations to Emiliano!

Our first ChickenStress ESR, Emiliano, successfully defended his PhD thesis on the 21st October 2022

Last modified: Tue, 08 Nov 2022 10:35:51 GMT

European Researcher's Night - 28th Sept 2021

ChickenStress ESRs Endre and Emiliano took part in Explorathon 2021 (the Scottish celebration of European Researcher's Night) to talk about their research   European Reserachers Night is funded by the European Commission which is the the largest public engagement with research event in Europe.  Over 350 cities took part in this series of events late September 2021 making it a great thing to be part of.  Pecha Kucha is a talk style which comes from a Japanese expression meaning 'chit chat'.  Speakers have 20 images and 20 seconds per image, so a total of six minutes and 40 seconds (very precise format).  Please play the video to see what an outstanding job our ESRs did at this Pecha Kucha hosted by Aberdeen University (scroll to 1hr 20 mins).  


Latest Advances in Poultry Science

The ChickenStress Network introduces a series of short articles written by our Early-Stage Researchers to communicate the latest advances made by poultry researchers.  These articles will cover a series of topics related to poultry science, such as production, welfare and stress.  The articles will highlight the most important findings discovered by worldwide researchers, written for a community that do not belong to a specific academic field. The idea of writing these series of articles combines the possibility to develop their communicational skills as well as interact and engage with the public.  

Second Short Article by ESR Emiliano Videla Rodriguez

Slower growing broilers: moving towards a balance between productivity and welfare.

Last modified: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 13:34:30 GMT

First short article by ESR Emiliano Videla Rodriguez

Domestic chicks respond more strongly to a threatening event than ancestral chicks.

Last modified: Mon, 17 May 2021 11:51:44 BST

National Poultry Day US

19th March 2021 - National Poultry Day in the US. To acknowledge this day three of our ChickenStress ESRs would like to share how their projects will improve chicken welfare.

Last modified: Mon, 17 May 2021 11:39:03 BST

World Animal Day - 4th October 2020

‌‌ChickenStress Early Stage Researchers are celebrating World Animal Day this year by sharing their views on issues regarding stress in chickens. Please click on the image below to watch their video.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ITN Project Coordinators Day

On the 22d November 2019 ChickenStress attended the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) ITN project coordinators day hosted by the Research Executive Agency (REA) in Brussels.

Last modified: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 10:53:41 GMT

The chosen ESRs!

Welcome to our ChickenStress ESRs !

Last modified: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 10:23:38 GMT

World Animal Day 2019

Today, on World Animal Day 2019, we officially launch the ChickenStress Network !

Last modified: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 12:29:17 BST