Open Access of ChickenStress Publications
All peer-reviewed scientific publications generated from the results of the ChickenStress network are free to review by using the link below to our chosen repository Zenodo.
Here are the direct links to our network publications;
Work Package 4 - Development, anatomy and function of the brain network that regulates the stress response
Telencephalic regulation of the HPA axis in birds - ScienceDirect
Work Package 5 - Genetic effects on stress responsivity
Practical application of a Bayesian network approach to poultry epigenetics and stress
Genetics of rearing success in four pure laying hen lines during the first 17 weeks of age | Zenodo
Work Package 6 - Early-life effects on stress responsivity
Early life environment and adult enrichment: effects on fearfulness in laying hens - ScienceDirect
Work Package 7 - Investigating the responses of hens to different rearing and housing conditions
The Effects of Mild Disturbances on Sleep Behaviour in Laying Hens