Network Events
Science & Industry Workshop
Fully vaccinated it was time to pack our bags, negotiate complex travel arrangements and head to Bern for our first face to face ChickenStress meeting. Two years into the project and we finally got to meet everyone in 'real life' rather than over Teams on a screen. Nothing beats networking face to face; invaluable coffee break talk, lunching while talking all things ChickenStress and even BBQing till sunset on the last night!
The first two days were dedicated to a Science and Industry workshop which delivered how basic research can impact industrial practice and how to obtain further funding for research including a training session on grantsmanship. Our R&D partners contributed lectures and training sessions sharing their first-hand experiences with turning research into commercial products.
Following the workshop we held our 2nd Annual Progress Meeting attended by all ESRs, PIs and partners of the training network. During the meeting each ESR presented the progress of their project including any issues they were currently dealing with and the future direction of their project. We also invited guest speakers Professor Lotta Berg from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Inês Grenho Ajuda (Programme Leader for Farm Animal Welfare at Eurogroup for Animals).
In summary lots of learning, networking, and laughing!
Last modified: Tue, 04 Jan 2022 12:19:28 GMT